Introducing...The Athlete Flywheel

Let’s skip the small talk,

Allow me to explain this “flywheel” phenomena you will keep hearing in less than 200 words.

With a consistent approach, you can leverage content to funnel opportunities to your business. The more opportunities your business gets, presumably the better it’s doing. The better it’s doing, the more you can reinvest into your content. The better your content becomes, the more eyeballs and opportunities you get, and the cycle repeats itself.

To quote my friend Adam Breneman, people are realizing they are “their own niches”.

Sure, conventional wisdom tells you to focus on one thing (the content or business/product), but if you have a team around you that can harness the flywheel you can leverage both to accelerate growth. Athletes are starting to do this now, as they are naturally positioned to do so. But the beauty of the flywheel is that it applies to anybody.

Your content can be a podcast, newsletter, short instagram videos, lots of tweeting, or something else. As long as you have created a proper funnel to where you want your audience to click on and you are super consistent, you’ve created a flywheel.

Have you thought about your flywheel? Also, have you thought about…

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